Thursday guided meditation
Join us Thursday nights 6-7pm EsT for guided meditation and discussion via Zoom
Suggested class donation is $10, but in these transitional times offer what you can to whom you can.
To join please fill out the form below.
You don't need a Zoom account in order to participate. Just go to Zoom.us and type in the meeting ID and password that I will email to you prior to the meditation. Your mic will be off and you might consider entering the room by cultivating silence and awareness of the body and breathing.

The benefits of meditation in the areas of health and psychological well being are numerous and beginning to be documented and understood scientifically. Despite this work being in its early stages, it suggests significant positive benefits over time. Mindfulness is used to improve performance in sports, artistic and academic endeavors, business and the military. Mindfulness appears to improve leadership skills, critical thinking and creativity thus enhancing problem solving, planning and achievement. My interests involve the use of mindfulness in enhancing creativity through courses, ongoing group practice sessions and individual work. I think it’s safe to say that healing, symptom reduction and human development are common perhaps inevitable occurrences with any mindfulness practice, however the courses I have created focus on creativity and artistic resilience. They should not be understood as therapy or used for clinical purposes. If you have significant psychological issues you should consult with a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner about the advisability of taking these courses. The kind of mindfulness approach necessary to deal with trauma, depression or anxiety and the approach to mindfully working with a creative individual seeking to grow in their art are two very different things.